Rabu, 30 November 2016

Here's How Fruits and Vegetables Helps Weight Loss

Here's How Fruits and Vegetables Helps Weight Loss
                         JAKARTA,  One important step in overcoming obesity is by a healthy diet. Expand to eat vegetables and fruits rather than high-fat foods.
Nutritionist Dr. Rita Ramayulis, DCN, Kes said, the consumption of vegetables and fruits is very helpful in weight loss.
Rita explains, vegetables and fruits are a good source of fiber. The high fiber can lower the glycemic index after food ingestion. Thus, the increase in insulin immediately jumped.
"" This can delay hunger. So baseball pengin this meal, it was, '' said Rita in the World Obesity Day event in Jakarta, Monday (10/31/2016).
In addition, the fiber in vegetables can also increase the volume of the stomach, thus making satiety so much longer. Moreover, it turns out the vegetables and fruit also helps capture the excess fat that we consume.
In fact, if the consumption of water-soluble fiber, can break the cycle of formation of cholesterol. It can keep cholesterol levels from getting too tinggi.Tak only rich in fiber, vegetables and fruit naturally contain vitamins and minerals.
Rita said their vitamins and minerals can maintain the balance of the hormone leptin, the hormone that stimulates hunger and satiety.
"" The hormone leptin being insensitive when vitamins and minerals into the body does not match (a little). If enough vitamins and minerals, signals of hunger and satiety so much the better, ' "said Rita.
Director of Communicable Disease Control Ministry of Health, Dr. Lily Sulistyowati added to measure the consumption of vegetables is easy, which is 50 percent of a dinner plate. The rest, 25 percent of dinner plates filled with protein and 25 percent are carbohydrates.
"" Eat vegetables and fruits should be 4-5 servings a day. Bujan sheet of two sheets, '' said Lily.

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Selasa, 01 November 2016

Check the Expert Witness Case Files Completed Next Week Coffee-crime law

Check the Expert Witness Case Files Completed Next Week Coffee-crime law
Jakarta - Investigators Ditreskrimum City Police, the suspect continued to complete the case file related to the case of Jessica Kumala Wongso poisoned coffee that killed Wayan miRNA Salihin, in Kafe Olivier, Grand Indonesia, Central Jakarta.
Chances are, the case file will be fitted next week because expert witnesses need time to give information to the police.
Director General of Criminal Investigation Police Metro Jaya Police Commissioner Krishna Murti said, there are external factors that lead to the filing will be fitted next week.
The new experts completed the examination week. We will be racing after the expert who requested it to provide information, said Krishna, at the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters, Friday (8/4).
It is said Krishna, the investigation report is quite long, so it takes time.
Assessment experts it requires a series of scientific process, so the original can not say the experts. Expert analysis by the need of each scientific approach. Well it asked for more time. There are two experts side by side, just finished a week, then we are racing, he said.
He delivered, the possibility of case files Jessica can be completed and returned again to the Provincial Prosecutor next week. Most likely next week. Inshallah sure, he said.
Previously known, Attorney Tingga Jakarta, returned the documents to the investigators suspect Jessica General Directorate of Criminal Investigation police to be equipped, last week.
Bayu Marhaenjati / YUD


Senin, 31 Oktober 2016

Si Kecil Bergaya dengan High Heels, Pantaskah?

cara mengecilkan perut buncit secara alami di rumah

Si Kecil Bergaya dengan High Heels, Pantaskah?

Untuk beberapa orang, mempunyai anak wanita memberi keasyikan sendiri. Keasyikan itu dikarenakan hasrat kita untuk merias si upik habis-habisan dengan semua aksesories yang lucu dapat tersampaikan. Sebut saja baju, sepatu, bando, jepit rambut, ikat rambut, anting, cincin, sampai tas tangan mungil untuk melancong. Gemas rasa-rasanya lihat si kecil tampak cantik serta centil seperti itu. Seringkali, lantaran lihat koleksi baju yang banyak di almari bajunya, si kecil jadi pandai pilih bajunya sendiri. Bahkan juga, mereka telah memiliki style sendiri. Tom Cruise dan Katie Holmes sering bercerita kalau putrinya, Suri Cruise (3), kerap menampik menggunakan celana panjang serta mantel saat suhu hawa mulai dingin. Sebab, Suri cuma sukai menggunakan rok atau gaun. Tetapi, terkadang si cilik terlihat terlalu jeli mencermati style ibunya, atau terus-terusan di ajak ke mal, hingga ia condong menginginkan berdandan seperti orang dewasa. Senin (21/9), misalnya, Suri tampak kenakan sepatu memiliki hak tinggi warna silver (cukup tinggi untuk ukuran anak umur 3 th.) waktu jalan-jalan dengan sang ibu di Newbury Street, Boston. Ia juga membawa boneka serta handbag berupa kerang yang lucu. Sepatu seperti yang dipakai Suri ini banyak juga digunakan oleh anak-anak di Indonesia. Masalahnya, bila orang dewasa saja dapat terasa lelah kenakan high heels, bagaimana dengan anak-anak? Nyamankah mereka menggunakan sepatu memiliki hak seperti ini, walau cuma setinggi 4 cm? Bila jalanan licin, bukanlah tidak mungkin saja penggunaan sepatu itu mengganggu keseimbangan badan mereka yang belum stabil. Lagi juga, bila pada usia 3 th. saja si kecil telah menginginkan mengikuti dandanan orangtuanya, bagaimana apabila ia berusia 10 th. kelak? Anak-anak sekarang ini memanglah tumbuh dewasa lebih cepat dari jaman orangtuanya. Anak-anak SD rajin nyalon serta beli perlengkapan make-up juga bukanlah narasi baru. Bagaimana menurut Anda? Apakah dandanan anak mesti ditata serta dibatasi oleh orang-tua? Atau Anda berasumsi sepatu memiliki hak tinggi untuk anak sekedar hanya untuk lucu-lucuan hingga tidak butuh dipermasalahkan?